Who is Annette Bening?

This is Annette Bening.

I will forever know her as the mother in American Beauty.

Let me tell you something else – I never, and I mean never, recognise her in films. I can’t even remember what the mother in American Beauty looks like (although I assume she resembles the googled image above), and I have no idea if she even has any bearing on the plot.

I have seen American Beauty. I remember a cheerleader and a plastic bag blowing around in the wind. Haven’t seen it since, or felt the need to. Not that I found it particularly unlike-able, or boring… it just didn’t make an impression on me.

This was a few years ago.
A friend (and flatmate) was a film buff, and many of the films we watched over the years just happened to have Annette Bening in the cast. I never remember who she is. I couldn’t pick her out of a line up. Still couldn’t.
And so, an ongoing conversation began:

“This lady looks familiar.”
“It’s Annette Bening.”
“Who is Annette Bening?”
“She’s the mother in American Beauty.”

Then, realising I had heard this all before, I would say “Oohhh” with that fake sound of understanding all of us have made, and the same conversation was had every time Annette Bening reared her head.

Now, I do know who Annette Bening is. She’s the mother in American Beauty. And because this same conversation was had hundreds of times over, I will ALWAYS know her as the mother in American Beauty. I don’t recognise her, I don’t seek out her films, but whenever I see her name in the cast list, I think:

“Annette Bening – she’s the mother in American Beauty.”

The thing is, I also randomly spout this obscure bit of wisdom out loud. And this story isn’t funny. It’s not even mildly amusing. It’s just a weird thing that happened because I don’t bother to remember actors names very often. I tried to explain to a workmate why I just randomly gave her this piece of trivia, and it fell completely flat. She just ended up staring at me like I was completely insane. Which, to be fair, I can understand.

Also, I don’t associate American Beauty with Annette Bening. I associate the film with plastic bags and cheerleaders and Sam Mendes. (I did actually just google that as well, to check if I was having some other weird association thing going on, but no, Sam Mendes did actually direct the film). American Beauty holds all sorts of associations.

All those other films I saw, with Annette Bening in them? I couldn’t name one.

She’s only ever going to be the mother in American Beauty.

One thought on “Who is Annette Bening?

  1. John says:

    Annette Bening will always be an excellent actress, a very intelligent lady and an extremely beautiful and attractive woman. Greetings from a portuguese fan living in Lisbon.

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